Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tomato Tip

Don't you love fresh tomatoes during summertime? Especially right out of the garden. Yum! Well, I learned something a few years ago that I really never knew before and I need to make sure everyone else out there knows it too! Never, ever store tomatoes in the fridge. It completely changes their flavor and texture. I thought I didn't like tomatoes until I learned this. When you bring them home, just keep them out in room temperature. They will taste so much better! If you don't believe what a difference it makes, do a test. Put one in the fridge and keep one out and you'll see what I mean. You'll never store tomatoes in the fridge again. One rule of thumb I use is I pay attention to how it's stored at the grocery store. If it's in the refrigerated section, it should obviously go in the fridge and vice versa.

1 comment:

  1. Your Father won't believe me. when I leave the tomatoes out, they mysteriously end up in the fridge. . . Old habits die hard, I guess.
